Letter E
Packages beginning with letter "E".
- e-smith - e-smith server and gateway
- e-smith-LPRng - e-smith server and gateway - LPRng module
- e-smith-apache - e-smith server and gateway - apache module
- e-smith-backup - e-smith module to provide the backup panel
- e-smith-base - e-smith server and gateway - base module
- e-smith-cvm-unix-local - Module for supervising cvm auth daemon
- e-smith-devtools - e-smith tools for building RPMs
- e-smith-dnscache - e-smith module to configure dnscache
- e-smith-domains - e-smith server and gateway - domains module
- e-smith-dynamicdns-dyndns - e-smith dynamic dns client to update dyndns.com
- e-smith-dynamicdns-dyndns.org - e-smith dynamic dns client to update dyndns.org
- e-smith-dynamicdns-tzo - e-smith dynamic dns client to update tzo.com
- e-smith-dynamicdns-yi - e-smith dynamic dns client to update yi
- e-smith-email - e-smith server and gateway - email module
- e-smith-flexbackup - Adds daily flexbackup backup to tape to e-smith
- e-smith-formmagick - e-smith-formmagick Perl modules for web manager i18n
- e-smith-grub - e-smith module to configure grub
- e-smith-horde - e-smith specific Horde configuration and templates.
- e-smith-hosts - e-smith module for managing hosts entries
- e-smith-ibays - e-smith server and gateway - ibays module
- e-smith-imap - Module for configuring the IMAP server
- e-smith-imp - e-smith specific IMP configuration and templates.
- e-smith-ingo - e-smith specific INGO configuration and templates.
- e-smith-ipmasq - e-smith server and gateway - IP masquerade add-on
- e-smith-ldap - e-smith server and gateway - LDAP module
- e-smith-lib - e-smith server and gateway - library module
- e-smith-lib-compspec - bash completion specifications for e-smith-lib utilities
- e-smith-manager - e-smith manager navigation module
- e-smith-mysql - e-smith specific mysql configuration and templates.
- e-smith-netatalk - e-smith server and gateway - netatalk module
- e-smith-ntp - e-smith specific NTP configuration files and templates
- e-smith-nutUPS - SME server - nut UPS interaction module
- e-smith-oidentd - e-smith server and gateway - ident daemon
- e-smith-openssh - e-smith module to configure and enable ssh
- e-smith-packetfilter - e-smith server and gateway - packetfilter add-on
- e-smith-php - e-smith specific PHP configuration and templates.
- e-smith-pop3 - startup scripts for pop3 package
- e-smith-portforwarding - portforwarding panel for SME Server
- e-smith-pptpd - e-smith server and gateway - configure PPTP inbound VPN
- e-smith-proftpd - e-smith specific proftpd configuration files and templates
- e-smith-proxy - e-smith server and gateway - proxy module
- e-smith-qmail - startup scripts for Dan Bernstein's qmail package
- e-smith-qmailanalog - e-smith module for analysing qmail logs
- e-smith-quota - e-smith server and gateway - quota module
- e-smith-radiusd - e-smith server and gateway - configure PPTP inbound VPN
- e-smith-runit - generic support framework for Gerrit Pape's runit package
- e-smith-samba - e-smith specific Samba configuration files and templates
- e-smith-starterwebsite - e-smith server and gateway - starterwebsite module
- e-smith-test - e-smith server and gateway - testing infrastructure module
- e-smith-tinydns - e-smith module to configure tinydns
- e-smith-turba - e-smith module to configure Turba 1.0
- e-smith-viewlogfiles - Web manager panel to provide view access to log files
- e2fsprogs - Utilities for managing the second extended (ext2) filesystem.
- ed - The GNU line editor.
- eject - A program that ejects removable media using software control.
- elfutils - A collection of utilities and DSOs to handle compiled objects.
- elfutils-libelf - Library to read and write ELF files.
- elinks - A text-mode Web browser.
- enscript - A plain ASCII to PostScript converter.
- ethtool - Ethernet settings tool for PCI ethernet cards
- expat - A library for parsing XML.